Icons and small Illustrations for the Instagram account "Les Frangines", from Osez Le Féminisme ! February 2021
You can find their webpage at www.lesfrangines.olf.site, and their instagram @lesfrangines.olf, they do really important feminist sex ed work for girls.
20 portraits of inspiring women scientists from around the world, for AWSA-BE - Early 2020
AWSA-BE, a feminist and secular organisation based in Brussels, Belgium, commissioned more portraits of women scientists, this time from around the world.
They used these portraits for an educational booklet and a board game called "Le Tour du Monde des Femmes Scientifiques" (Women Scientists from around the World) which you can access here http://www.awsa.be/fr/page/droits-femmes.
The booklet is available here http://awsa.be/uploads/Livret_femmes_scientifiques_AWSA.pdf
And the cards for the game, here
Just as with the first set of portraits for the calendar, I really enjoyed learning about all these amazing women and pushing myself creatively!
For more information about Awsa-be, check out their website: https://www.awsa.be/fr/page
Hereunder are some samples of illustrations and the quick video I made once I finished the illustrations.
Illustrations for the website "Les Frangines", by Osez Le Féminisme
Osez-Le-Féminisme commissioned a series of illustrations for their website on feminist sex ed, "Les Frangines". It was such a pleasure to illustrate all the clitorises and girls!
12 portraits of Arab women scientists, for AWSA-BE's 2020 Calendar
I made 12 portraits of inspiring women scientists from the Arab world, for the 2020 calendar of Awsa-Be, a really awesome feminist and secular organisation based in Brussels, Belgium. They promote the rights of Arab women and do a lot of great stuff: you can check out their website here https://www.awsa.be/fr/page.
Illustrations for Mathilde Karceles, Made Conseil
The following two illustrations were made as a sample to start off a comics book project commissioned by Mathilde Karceles, founder of Made Conseil.
Hermark Cards
One of the commissions I did was for Hermark Cards, a postcard and greetings card startup, until the end of August 2019.
I've really enjoyed mixing watercolours, ink, colour pencils and digital work for these cards. I also made the artwork for Hermark's Facebook page, T-shirts, hats and business cards.